Monday, June 15, 2009

chapter1 : introduction to computer

~electronic device, operating under the control of instruction stored in its own memory, that can accept data, process the data according to specified rules, produce results, and store the result for future use

~advntage:speed, reliability, consistency, storage, and communication
~disadvntge: voaltion of privacy, public safety,health risk

~input devices, output device, system unit, storage devices, and communication devices

~a network is a collection of computer and device connected together, often wireless
~the internet is a worldwide colection of network

~personal computer, mobile computer, game consoles, servers, mainframes, supercomputer, embedded computer

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


my objective 4 diz class...?i think objective 4 diz class,erm..i wanna to be expert about cmputer??actually i only noe juz a little bit about sofware and hardware...sofware tu tau la jugak psal power point, word, excel, ..i really need diz class 4 my future..hahahah(nk msk court pon kn la gak blaja cmputer...).in addition...i also want to know about computer information.yeah...such as whats the latest cmputer edition..latest sofware..window vista...window 7...n sumthing like that la.bila dah blajar psal hardware2 ni...i think i can repair, own laptop or computer right?yeah..diz is my main objective!

my aspectation for diz class....erm..i hope i can be a best student in diz class.i want to be a bestest among the best...i wanna be a person that not so'ketinggalan zaman' about computer.i also hope that i can accept the assignment that given by our lecturer..(kn siap,by date!).i hope that i can explore more about ICT...n more interesting to computer..

sekapur sireh,pembuka bicara....

assalamualaikum....diz is my 1st assignment in diz class!i really dunno what to do wif diz blog...but our sir,mr.shahadan wanna us to use diz blog 4 his class.4 csc134 class actually mr.shahadan wanna us to do diz assignment about our objective 4 diz class n 2nd posting about our aspectation to his class...actually diz is my 2nd blog..n i'm as a blogger ...suka la nk ngarut2 ni..hehehe..sorry SIR!